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Old 05-29-2012, 09:41 AM
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One thing I found really interesting, was that Stannis led the assault on the walls of King's Landing, where in the book it specifically discusses how he leads from the rear because he's more similar to Tywin Lannister. I understand why the change was made, but I wonder how it will reflect later on Stannis' character in the show vs the books. The show makes him out to be a warrior like his brother Robert, whereas the books clearly make him out to be a strategic battle commander who oversees all actions.

That being said, we all need to stop comparing the show to the books and accept that it will go where it needs to be. And by that I mean, don't be upset about things being different, because it's not going to stop happening anytime soon.

The writers of the show know what GRRM has planned for the ending of the series and reported were said to have loved it, whatever it was. My guess is that they will end up in the same place eventually, but change things around to shift significance where it needs to be to ensure the progression of specific character/plot development key to the ending without wasting valuable screen time.
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