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Old 01-23-2014, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Gogan View Post
Tactics games were some of my all-time favorite too. Would love to see a modern day version. Unsung Story isn't selling itself very well though. Their kickstarter page is devoid of game concept art / screenshots, no talk of gameplay mechanics, and really lame stretch goals. New Game+ would be a cool feature, but it's stuck between a dozen other goals that add absolutely nothing to the game itself.
I agree. Also noticed this with lots of kickstarters lately. The stretch goals just seem to suck mostly. The first 2 goals are nice cause they add more talent to the project and as a bonus they get it out on Vita. PS4, 3DS as the next two only help bring the game to a bigger audience which helps them get the game to more people but it doesn't help the game at all. New game+ should be after the vita and/or add a new console with it. Goals like that would be a lot nicer for a kickstarter imo. Live concert seems like a big waste of money.
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