Thread: GoT S4 is out
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Old 06-02-2014, 12:04 PM
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Yooxra Yooxra is offline
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You know that since watching the show I always thought of Sanza as a dim witted little kid. Ever since the beginning of her thinking she would go on her merry way to go off to king's landing and be the queen. Thinking everything would be all sweet. Last night she really showed that she learned a little something about how to play the game in her favor. I wonder if she is really falling for littlefinger. She knows that he loved her mother and couldn't be with her, since she knows he loved her mom. Their age is so far apart, but that doesn't stop some people.

So the fight. The viper could of won that fight we all know. His poor choice of trying to get the justice that he pictured in his head for so long was asking a little to much. What worried Bronn happened to the prince in the end. You simply can't give a man of that size any room to get his hands on you, the end result was no escape. If it was me I think I would of kept my distance and placed that spear into his face over and over before he could of got up. Specially if my family was killed by him like that.
Yoox: Only death awaits...

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