Thread: GoT S4 is out
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Old 06-02-2014, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by rursusferre View Post
So i have an interesting thing I read. It was talking about "viewer fatigue" and how some people felt the viewership of the show was going to go down due to the large number of characters killed. Something like 8 major characters so far, I believe. He spoke about how hardcore watchers were in it for the long haul, but more casual viewers would leave the show due to so many characters they were attached to being murdered. I know a lot of you guys haven't read the books, so as soley show watchers, do you ever feel that way? Are you ever like "jesus christ, can someone just live?"
I think that is a good read. Our shows tend to attach us to characters and then refuse to kill them off cause of their popularity. Notice how they don't usually kill off main characters in most shows inless it's the last show. Battlestar I think started the kill off thing and it worked well for them. It works well for Game of thrones and even tho Tyrion is a fan favorite, I don't want to see him die either, I would keep watching for sure even if they gut the dwarf. Season one was a shocker when Ned's head came off. He had to be lots of people's favorite at the time. The red wedding was hard to watch. I don't think I'd stop watching no matter who they kill. They keep adding new characters each season which keeps it fresh.
Yoox: Only death awaits...

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