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Old 03-15-2015, 01:25 PM
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McGrupp McGrupp is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: East Tennessee
Posts: 1,453
Just wanted to drop a few suggestions to improve gameplay until 1.3 is released (March 18)

The Developer pushes events during London prime time, so I usually window my game and minimize it over night/while at work in order to get some of the benefits

Zomnibus addon pack is the main one I suggest. It really clears up the UI and adds better shortcuts via Right-Click

Marson's UI Modifications is also a good one. Fixes some graphical issues such as view point, scrolling distance, and adds better cooldown notifications on the hotbar.

Enhanced Escorts, Bazaar, and Melinda on the Map are the other Add-ons I suggest to improve gameplay. Some of the race addons put some cool things into the game, Turtles and Draconians come to mind.

Last edited by McGrupp; 03-15-2015 at 01:27 PM.
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