A few people I watch on twitch have been raving about FF14 lately. Apparently there was a big patch recently that turned the game around. So I grabbed a copy for $20 this weekend. Anyone played this recently?
I've played as a Conjurer up to level 11 so far. Gotta say, I'm not impressed. The class/job system is slightly intriguing and unique, but otherwise the game is just like every other MMO out there. Quests are boring and uninspired. Story isn't terribly engaging. The cutscenes that have voiceover are cool, but they're few and far between. Moogles, which were cute and funny in past FF games, come across as ridiculous in FF14 -- they make space-like martian sounds as they fly around. The scenery is quite nice, but the zones are very small and every zone switch requires a short loading time.
I don't understand why people rave about this game. Definitely not worth a monthly sub fee, imho.
Gonna try out ESO soon now that there's no sub fee.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru