Thread: Ulduar
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Old 04-08-2015, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Gogan View Post
I don't know if Ulduar was my personal favorite raid instance (hard to beat the nostalgia of MC/BWL), but I do think it was the best one Blizz made. The approach to the hard modes was just so novel and fun. Most of the fights were really well designed and unique. Naxx and Karazhan (even if it was 10man) are probably a close 2nd imo.

Like KZ, I really enjoyed some of the fights in TBC too though. Mulgar (omg mage tanks!), Gruul, Vashj, Kael'Thas were all great imo.

Icecrown Citadel was a pretty good instance too. Certainly the Arthas fight was one of the best in the game.

M'uru broke me. That fight was ridiculously intense. Simply no room for even a single error. I was thrilled when you guys downed it, and a little sad I didn't finish that fight, but it (and probably SWP as a whole) just burned me out. It was fun competing against Afterlife for a while there though.

Lots of good memories from Eventide/Fuse. I think we're some of the rare lucky ones that had a group of people stick together for so long.
Haha, I didn't call anybody out specifically but you were the first Sunwell casualty I thought of! SW was intense through and through; it did in just about the entire mage team! All of the Shamans too...I think we had at least 3 shaman songs over the course of M'uru + KJ.
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