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Old 05-12-2010, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by rursusferre View Post
In a sense he didn't kill smokey, but I guess the question is did he turn into smokey because of the ladies "curse" or the light source. Remember smokey said Jacob took his body a long time ago.
Don't think it was the curse, it had to be cause of the light source. That's the part that isn't explained still. I mean Smoke's bones are with the lady's bones in the cave that Jack found. So what counts as dead for them? Cause when Ben killed Jacob his body is dead and Jacob isn't there(but, he's a ghost that Hugo can see), but Smokey is without his body? So was Smokey a ghost like Jacob is currently till he figured out how to control bodies (Locke)?
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Old 05-12-2010, 09:34 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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I was hoping they'd explain the origins of the ash, and why smokey can't cross it.
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Old 05-12-2010, 09:34 PM
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Have to love how the lady loves Smokey more than Jacob. When Smokey wants to leave the whole time. The secrets of the island are gonna be as bleh as the light in the tunnel. Just like how the mother only picked one name for a boy(Jacob), wasn't expecting another, so he never got a name. I know, I know, we said this from the beginning, but it's still a great show and a good watch.
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Old 05-12-2010, 09:58 PM
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actually yoox, look at it this way. Everyone at first thought the island is purgatory, and like Smokey said, for him, it IS. Think about it, he isn't dead, but he isn't alive. He sees other dead people and can look like them, but he can't be killed. He is in some kind of limbo. Like the lady said, a fate worse than death. We might find that smokey, can in fact never be killed, and for reasons unknown (hopefully just for now) he can never leave. So all that stuff about the island being his own personal hell is definitely true. They just might be making him look like not such a bad guy, but more tortured, but the end of all this, I don't know.
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Old 05-12-2010, 11:20 PM
Vayd Vayd is offline
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This is what I think. The light caused some sort of hybridization between it and Smokey, thus causing Smokey not needing his physical body and turning into smoke. The smoke can, obviously, turn into different physical forms.

So, Smokey never died. He just got fucked up with the light and now doesn't need his physical body because his body is now the smoke (which can mold into what looks like his old body).

Hmm, from that deduction...I now think that the fake mother couldn't be Smokey 1.0. I think when Smokey dies (if he does), he will just dissipate or some weird shit. I doubt his body will deteriorate similar to that of a real human--like the fake mother did (thus concluding that the fake mother didn't fuck up the camp as a smoke monster).

How the fuck did she fuck up up that mother fucking fuck camp?

Last edited by Vayd; 05-12-2010 at 11:24 PM.
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Old 05-12-2010, 11:29 PM
Vayd Vayd is offline
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OK, she obviously hinted that she knew of what would happen when someone goes into the light (turning into a smoke monster). So, if she didn't do it herself, someone else must have. Maybe there is somebody else who fucked up that camp for her.

Ugh, no--they won't introduce a totally new character now. I fucking hate this show.

Maybe I'm wrong about the whole body deterioration thing. Maybe Smokey will deteriorate into fucking bones thus making it plausible that fake mom was smokey 1.0. Who Knows.

Fuck. This. Show.
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Old 05-12-2010, 11:34 PM
Vayd Vayd is offline
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Holy shit, I got it.

Let's say if you go into the light without getting harmed (remember, Jacob hit Smokey in the head before hybridization, which may have killed him), you come out as a smoke monster + your original body (Smokey didn't because Jacob killed his human body). So, there's like TWO OF YOU! SO THERE WAS A FAKE MOTHER HUMAN AND A FAKE MOTHER SMOKE MONSTER.

I BET WE SEE THE FAKE MOTHER SMOKE MONSTER SOON (because Smokey only killed the fake mother human). OMG OMG I FIGURED THIS OUT.

Alright, that's ridiculous. Whatever. I give up. I'll just wait two weeks.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:25 AM
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thats the dumbest shit i have ever heard.
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by rursusferre View Post
thats the dumbest shit i have ever heard.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:51 PM
Vayd Vayd is offline
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I thought you guys would appreciate the comedic value.
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