Originally Posted by Yooxra
(and of course the stoping the dynomite with his brain power)
LOL, dude, he didn't stop it with his "brain power". =P The idea is that some force beyond their control (fate, nature, god, whatever) won't allow events to transpire that would result in their death. Jack doesn't have superpowers. Ever see Final Destination, the movie where no matter what the kids try and do, death always finds them? It's like that, but in reverse. No matter what Jack and Richard try and do, they'll always escape death.
One other thing about Richard notice he said he wasn't time traveling to Hurley in the episode. Not that it means anything just yet, throwing that out there for future reference.
I think it was a reference to the fact that Richard didn't age since the last time (in the 70s?) Hurley and crew saw him. I don't recall exactly when they last met, but Hurley said something like "you haven't aged" after that line.
I liked how when the crew walked up on the beach Hurley is so big that he eclipsed Richard till the last moment. I can't help but to get the song "the boys are back in town" in my head everytime they do the strolling onto the beach part and start hugging.
Seriously, how many times have they shot that scene? It's like the iconic scene for this show. Did you notice the music playing when Jack and Hurley set off for the temple, just before they met Richard? It was some comical bass/percussion piece you'd expect to hear while watching elephants travel or something. I was cracking up.
So the good guys seem to be set now and the bad guys. Is the Charles crew gonna be a third party? Seems like now the table is set and a clash is gonna happen or something else.
It sounded like from the Lighthouse episode that Jacob wanted Charles to find the island, so I'm guessing he's a "good guy", but I'm not quite sure yet what that means exactly. Until we find out what the purpose and true nature of the island, Jacob, and Smokey are, it's hard to say.
On another note, Locke told Ben that they were headed to the Hydra station. Do we have any idea why they'd be heading there?