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Old 02-19-2009, 02:03 PM
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Yeah i love that. Man that reminds me of Kiterr lol! Kiterr is like ben, get this.

"Kiterr, hey guys old content is easy, but i'm gonna play like shit"
"Yoox, Kiterr step it up"
"Kiterr, just replace me, whatever"
New hunter app up
"Kiterr, wtf guys you replacing me?"

So reminds me of Ben.

"Sun, i'm gonna kill you Ben"
"Jack, no worries sun if Ben is lying i'll kill him"
Ben pulls the van over!
"Ben, wtf guys just kill me if you gonna do it wahh"
"Sun, just shut up and drive the car"
"Ben, good let's go"

I must be watching to much Lost. But man it's sounds so similar to me.
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Old 02-19-2009, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Asano View Post
Unfortunately, we've been saying that every week for the last 4 seasons. =P
Thats the whole premise of the show broseph. We have false hope for years on end, and will probably end up with some lame ass ending next season. But hey, I like it!
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Old 02-19-2009, 03:24 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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Yeah, I guess so. It's fun, for sure. And we've invested too much into the show at this point to simply stop watching -- especially when we're so close to the end! But I can't imagine they'll be able to write an ending that can satisfy all the hype and suspense they've built up. Seems like they've set themselves up for an inevitable let down. But maybe we'll be surprised.
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Old 02-19-2009, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Asano View Post
Yeah, I guess so. It's fun, for sure. And we've invested too much into the show at this point to simply stop watching -- especially when we're so close to the end! But I can't imagine they'll be able to write an ending that can satisfy all the hype and suspense they've built up. Seems like they've set themselves up for an inevitable let down. But maybe we'll be surprised.
I dunno Asano, they are talking about Jesus now. No way this is gonna be bad!
Yoox: Only death awaits...

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Old 02-19-2009, 05:26 PM
Lindorn Lindorn is offline
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Ooh man.

I'm sure in the next few episodes were going to see the story of John and what he said to all the others back in real time. And see how he persuaded them to go on the plane and get back to the island. A big theme in this episode was getting everyone to recreate the events and people on the plane when it first "crashed". I made a little list up at work today seeing the comparisons of who is who etc. IE Christian in flight 815 is Locke in flight 316. Kate on 815 is Sayid on 316 (In cuffs with cop). Charlie on 815 is Hurley on 316 (Guitar). There are a few more, but they weren't as concrete.

I've read and listened to some podcasts about what happened to Ben, when he was all beat up and bloody. Most common thought is that he was going after Penny and may or may not have killed her. Possibly Sayid or Widmore did it to him. (Maybe thats why Sayid was taken on the plane in cuffs?)

And for Jin on the island in the van. I think, that when John fixed the donkey wheel it stopped the flashes and the island stayed in whatever time they were. I believe that would be around the 1970's. This would explain why he is in a Dharma jumpsuit, possibly working for them undercover with the rest of the people who were going through flashes. As well, this would go along with the first scene in this season when Faraday was seen in the dig with Peter Chang (Marvin Candle).

Overall, a lot of answers and a lot of new things we need to learn. Main questions being:
- What happened to Kate and how she got into Jack's place
- How Hurley got out of jail
- What happened to Ben and why he got beat up
- What happened with Sayid
- Why Jin is in a Dharma van in a jumpsuit
- Where are the rest of the "Losties" from the plane (Sun, Sayid, Ben and Locke in the casket)
- When they are on the island

And probably a whole shit ton more, but hey. Lookin' cool so far !
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Old 02-19-2009, 05:46 PM
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I'm so glad you're around Lindorn. =)
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Old 02-19-2009, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Yooxra View Post
I dunno Asano, they are talking about Jesus now. No way this is gonna be bad!
That and I was pretty hyped up when they announced a couple years back (during S3 I think) that they struck a deal with producers and were going to extend the show through 6 seasons. I thought it picked back up pretty well after the letdown that was the end of S2/beginning of 3, no way they phail after what we've had so far.
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Old 02-19-2009, 06:38 PM
Hondadude Hondadude is offline
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I saw that shit a mile away when they where at the airport and I saw hurly or whatever that fat ass is called. I was like "holy shit, look what hurly has over his shoulders" bitch had the guitar case that this other bitch found in the lagoon in season 1.

Charlie in season 1 was playing it and fat boy did come up to him and said where did you find that. Charlie said in the lagoon but looked over the list on the plane and it didn't show anybody had one on the plane.

Then I was like wait a sec. Jack picked up the pic showing the date 1954 or whatever it said. I was like all my money these bitches go back in time to that year or near it. And bam I was right.

I am with you asano I wasn't happy at all on how they got back to the island but f all that.

how the hell is richard still that dam young
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Old 02-19-2009, 09:25 PM
Lindorn Lindorn is offline
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Ahh, my post didn't show up. It was a big one too. Fix fix asanoz !
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Old 02-19-2009, 10:24 PM
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All the stuff to get back to the isle with the 316 story, just to appear on the isle makes you wonder. What happened to the other 4 people on the plane, did it crash? No i guess. Makes me wonder how the rambo and the boat people got to the isle if it's always moving and you can only get back there with certain windows? I have so many questions...

P.s. i can't wait to see Locke hang himself next week.
Yoox: Only death awaits...

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