Do you think the numbers come from the lighthouse, or do you think they were put there after the numbers were associated with each candidate?
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b3...ololololol.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b3...neisracist.jpg Last edited by Onion; 02-23-2010 at 10:41 PM. |
it is the lighthouse? at least that's how I see it.
jacks number in the cave is 23 and it was in the lighthouse so I'm gunna say the lighthouse dictated the candidates and jacob acted on that.
Avatar is overrated Last edited by Sly; 02-23-2010 at 10:56 PM. |
I would guess that Jacob put them there. I have a big long theory on the names and crap that I'm way too lazy to type because A) it probably makes no sense outside of my own head and B) it would be a 3 page essay
I guess maybe.
Avatar is overrated |
Eh, I dunno about that. If that were the case then when smokey tells Sawyer that Jacob has a thing for numbers it doesn't make as much sense. Makes more sense that Jacob simply assigned them the numbers after they were picked (perhaps they're possible solutions to the Valenzetti Equation) or that Jacob himself chose them and wrote down their names and then assigned them the numbers.
Avatar is overrated |
Its possible that the dial gets filled up and once all the 360 names are scratched off another 360 are added and who knows what dial they're on. So I think its hard to say that just because the dial is almost all scratched off that things are indefinitely coming to an end. I'm not sure if there will be a higher power than Jacob/Smokey, but I could see them going that direction. It will be interesting to see who exactly is coming to the island - so many possible directions they could take, but if I had to guess I'd say it will be someone we have never seen before or, a more far out guess, is it will be a boat of kids from the other timeline (Jack's son, samurai guy's kid, claire's baby, Sun's baby, Sawyer's kid) EDIT: Something else I just thought of that is huge and hasn't been addressed is when Locke/Ben go to visit "jacob" in the cabin when Ben was just talking to no one and then stuff started flying around and later Ben confesses that he had no idea what was going on. Last edited by Nucholza; 02-24-2010 at 12:05 AM. |
So you can see a bunch of names when Hurley is moving the dial and next to 108 is the name "Wallace" and is crossed off. So I guess it will be someone we've never seen before, or at least I can't remember anyone named Wallace. There's also a few other names on the dial that aren't crossed off yet and I have no idea who they belong to. It took a bit to pause it on the right frame, but it looks like number 60 is someone named Kysea and 61 is Davies (or Davzes or Davtes can't really tell) and also 56 looks like it isn't crossed out but can barely make out the name (haasea or haasid something).
And why is Jack's name written in something different from all the other ones? Also, who is going to be David's father? Will it still be his same ex-wife from the original timeline or will it be someone like Juliet since they're still all connected in the new timeline. Last edited by Nucholza; 02-24-2010 at 01:05 AM. |
Lostpedia seems to have a pretty comprehensive list of names:
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |