are you shadow now? or just stealing kb's?
Just stealing KBs. I actually dislike Shadow in PvP a lot.
So the SSC guild i joined is transfering off the server, because of how bad the server is... now the top alliance guild is going to be .... Relax... with only a prince kill.... once... /cry
Man that's hilarious, actually I'm not done laughing... hahahhahahahahaha Sounds like it's time to move to flavour country friend. I spell it flavour since I'm from Canada -- Firefox can underline that in red all it wants, but they can go die. I mean Cenarius btw. |
I see cenarius has quite a few top rated arena teams nowadays, but... pvew (see what i did there?) are FTL =(
which one of your uncles owns the rights to carebears anyway?
respec'd felguard lastnight, just because I was bored, decided to school some rp'ers |
Oh, and i went from affliction to felguard, so thats why i have some empty buttons =/
I hear we need locks especially ones that know their dick from a hand grenade in pvp.