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Farewell, Ciderhelm
Hi Ciderhelm,
I saw your post on the warrior forums, and felt the need to drop by here and say thank you. Thank you for all your contributions, all your research, all your wonderful guides. There's no exaggeration in saying that most of the well played tanks in World of Warcraft know what they're doing thanks to you. All the best in wherever life takes you, and hopefully it will at some point take you back here, to once again impart wisdom on the masses ![]() /salute -Gardek (Dalaran) |
I'm still around, I'm still operating the website and such, so feel free to contact me here at any time. If everything goes smoother with life (and warcraft), I may come back. I'm updating the guide and adding a new section at http://www.eventideguild.com/guide/ if you are interested in following up there. It will take a few days to be fully up and running. If you frequent the Warrior boards and want to add that to your signature, it would help get the word out! Thanks again for the kind words. -Cider |
I am sure that I am saying this for many in the warrior community- thanks for all your insight and information. Your guide is what I have based my whole guild's warrior class. Good luck to you in all your future endevours and hope to maybe see you return again. Elio Warrior Class Leader Metamorphosis Magtheridon Realm-US http://ctprofiles.net/2051058 |
Greetings Ciderhelm,
I found this post following link for your latest guide. I regret finding your posts so late, only after TBC launch. Thank you for extraordinary guide "Hold the Line!" which allowed me to experience the places I have never chance to visit myself. It also brightened the dark times after TBC launch. I am recommending this and other guides not only to tanking friends, but also to friends managing guilds - to take the inspiration and basics of guild effort and raiding. I wish you all the best, BogyOne of Emerald Dream EU |
Hey Ciderhelm,
Good luck and thank you for your contributions to the warrior community. Best wishes, Nassaj of Sen'jin |
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