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Old 03-03-2010, 12:20 PM
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In general yoox, I feel Richard needs his own episode atleast. There is alot left with him, and he has all but disappeared recently. I also think Kate is not in the smokey camp as well. I am curious if ben is going to have some redemption before he dies. We'll see.
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Old 03-03-2010, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
I don't know if she's just along for the ride as much as she's trying to absolve herself for taking Aaron from Claire.
Yeah i agree i think she is trying to absolve herself about Aaron with Claire. I thought she took Aaron because she thought Claire was dead at that point or gone. I mean the baby was left alone remember? Was there really a choice to leave the baby alone. So Kate decides after the three years that she wants to find Claire all of a sudden? That is why she came back to the island right? I'm alittle fuzzy on this part.

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
Does Jack even have a son in the normal timeline?
I don't think he does.

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
I don't think Dogen had tried to kill Smokey before. I remember Sayid saying something to him about how he's had two chances now to go and try to kill Smokey himself but both times he's attempted to get other people to do the job. Then later we find out that Dogen simply being alive is what is keeping Smokey from entering the temple. I don't think Dogen could kill Smokey if he wanted to and he's just a guardian for the only safe haven on the island that Jacob could create.
Himself no, but he did have someone else before Sayid to try and kill him. Smokey told Sayid that. Weither Dogen could kill Smokey or not, who knows, maybe he is a guardian or something(kinda like Richard that have to follow certain rules?). Dogen didn't finish off Sayid himself either, also Dogen tryed to get Jack to kill Sayid with the pill, so Dogen is just trying to get others to do his dirty work for him(weither he can do it himself or not). Sayid realized that he wouldn't do his own dirty work became angry and killed him(maybe he thought Dogen was a coward or whatever other reason).

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
Well, I think Smokey knew that Sayid could not refuse an offer to be reunited with Nadia. Also, remember how Dogen told Sayid that he had to strike Smokey before he could talk to Sayid? My guess would be that this is because Smokey would be able to complete whatever sickness Sayid has and fully take him over like he has Claire. Although, Sayid didn't seem as far gone as Claire in the aftermath even though he did kill Dogen / Hippie bitch.
Smokey is very clever and getting lots of them to follow his path. While Sayid didn't seem as far gone yet(cause the darkness needed time to get to his heart then he would be fully gone) at the end of the episode him smiling like that has to mean he's in league with Smokey now. Dogen just told Sayid to strike Smokey before he could talk cause he figured that Smokey would kill Sayid outright i believe and save him the trouble of dealing with another one of Smokey's eventual goons.

So, this seems very much that fate is unavoidable cause the flash sideways every thing is happening the same or close to.
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Old 03-03-2010, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by rursusferre View Post
In general yoox, I feel Richard needs his own episode atleast. There is alot left with him, and he has all but disappeared recently. I also think Kate is not in the smokey camp as well. I am curious if ben is going to have some redemption before he dies. We'll see.
I agree for sure they better give Richard justice of an episode(he has been one of my favorite characters along with Faraday). I wonder where Richard did run off to, since there is no safespots now that the temple is gone or is there? Then again can Smokey kill Richard or not? I mean Smokey did neck chop him pretty good, it's still so unclear.

I have to admit that i was alittle disapointed when the preview for next week just shows Ben's demise. He was so much of a ringleader for so long that he has just become a pawn. I mean i hated Ben for a while and he's alittle mo for killing Locke, but it just doesn't seem right just offing him now.
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Old 03-03-2010, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Yooxra View Post
Yeah i agree i think she is trying to absolve herself about Aaron with Claire. I thought she took Aaron because she thought Claire was dead at that point or gone. I mean the baby was left alone remember? Was there really a choice to leave the baby alone. So Kate decides after the three years that she wants to find Claire all of a sudden? That is why she came back to the island right? I'm alittle fuzzy on this part.
Well, they didn't have a choice in taking Aaron or not, but Kate made the choice to raise him rather than give him to Claire's mom. She kept Aaron a secret from any of his real family. Also she waited 3 years before deciding to try and find Claire instead of going after her sooner.

Originally Posted by Yooxra
Dogen didn't finish off Sayid himself either
The baseball dropping from the table right as Dogen is about to kill Sayid is probably very significant to why he didn't kill Sayid himself. My guess would be the baseball was his son's and for some reason seeing it drop made him think twice about killing.

Originally Posted by Yooxra
Sayid realized that he wouldn't do his own dirty work became angry and killed him(maybe he thought Dogen was a coward or whatever other reason).
Is that why Sayid killed him? Seems to me the reason Sayid killed him is because Smokey asked him to after delivering the message. Dogen was what kept Smokey out of the temple so he needed Sayid to kill Dogen for him or he couldn't keep his promise of killing everyone that wouldn't come with him after sundown.
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Old 03-03-2010, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
Well, they didn't have a choice in taking Aaron or not, but Kate made the choice to raise him rather than give him to Claire's mom. She kept Aaron a secret from any of his real family. Also she waited 3 years before deciding to try and find Claire instead of going after her sooner.
Claire is just batshit insane now. Crazy people don't need logical reasons to do the things they do. On a side note, I loved the look she gave Kate when Kate explained that she was raising Aaron. Such an awesomely eerie and evil look.

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
The baseball dropping from the table right as Dogen is about to kill Sayid is probably very significant to why he didn't kill Sayid himself. My guess would be the baseball was his son's and for some reason seeing it drop made him think twice about killing.
Yeah, I'm guessing there's more to that story. Dogen's story just kind of stopped without really explaining why exactly that memory caused him to suddenly have mercy on Sayid.

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
Seems to me the reason Sayid killed him is because Smokey asked him to after delivering the message. Dogen was what kept Smokey out of the temple so he needed Sayid to kill Dogen for him or he couldn't keep his promise of killing everyone that wouldn't come with him after sundown.
That was my impression as well.
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Last edited by Gogan; 03-03-2010 at 03:46 PM.
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Old 03-03-2010, 04:36 PM
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So my girlfriend read me some stuff after a discussion about how much the episode last night sucked.

Going with my Aaron = smoke monster theory: Apparently during the first season Claire gets a fortune teller to read her fortune. She tells claire its of the most utmost importance that she raises her son, no one else. Nothing concrete, but its something.

Also, someone wrote about how the others worked so hard to capture walt, then seemed to let him go so easily and let him off the island. What if they are looking for someone's son. They don't know who, but they know the person is someone's son. Seems to be something similiar with Jack, they keep putting importance on the fact he is christian's son. But what if Christian isn't important himself as much as he is a man who has been to the island and has had a son. Again, nothing concrete, but there seems to be these themes of the "prodigal son" alot on Lost. What if Aaron is supposed to be some savior. Kinda of a long shot, and it would add one more thing to the list of Lost plotlines, but I don't put it past them. The smoke monster seems to have a liking of claire. I am sure she has no idea, but what if he does.
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Old 03-03-2010, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
Well, they didn't have a choice in taking Aaron or not, but Kate made the choice to raise him rather than give him to Claire's mom. She kept Aaron a secret from any of his real family. Also she waited 3 years before deciding to try and find Claire instead of going after her sooner.
Yeah, i remember that now thanks. I think that Claire would say the same thing " wut my momma raised my kid, she dies now!". Like Asano said crazy people don't need logical reasoning. I see why Kate wants to make it right.

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
The baseball dropping from the table right as Dogen is about to kill Sayid is probably very significant to why he didn't kill Sayid himself. My guess would be the baseball was his son's and for some reason seeing it drop made him think twice about killing.
Yeah it was mercy then for Sayid cause of this part. I guess he could of killed him and there was nothing really stopping him except him not wanting to jeopardize something.

Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
Is that why Sayid killed him? Seems to me the reason Sayid killed him is because Smokey asked him to after delivering the message. Dogen was what kept Smokey out of the temple so he needed Sayid to kill Dogen for him or he couldn't keep his promise of killing everyone that wouldn't come with him after sundown.
Yeah it is. It just really seemed like Sayid wouldn't of did it if Dogen wasn't trying to kill him. Even for the proposal of Smokey to reunite him with Nadia(maybe). Maybe Sayid would of anyway cause Nadia is the only thing he cared about really. Sayid just always seemed like a good guy even tho the whole iraq army thing and him trying to avoid that kind of stuff.

Thing is really from what i'm seeing with the show. Once you go bad there is no turning back no matter how hard you try to make a mends.
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Old 03-03-2010, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by rursusferre View Post
So my girlfriend read me some stuff after a discussion about how much the episode last night sucked.

Going with my Aaron = smoke monster theory: Apparently during the first season Claire gets a fortune teller to read her fortune. She tells claire its of the most utmost importance that she raises her son, no one else. Nothing concrete, but its something.

Also, someone wrote about how the others worked so hard to capture walt, then seemed to let him go so easily and let him off the island. What if they are looking for someone's son. They don't know who, but they know the person is someone's son. Seems to be something similiar with Jack, they keep putting importance on the fact he is christian's son. But what if Christian isn't important himself as much as he is a man who has been to the island and has had a son. Again, nothing concrete, but there seems to be these themes of the "prodigal son" alot on Lost. What if Aaron is supposed to be some savior. Kinda of a long shot, and it would add one more thing to the list of Lost plotlines, but I don't put it past them. The smoke monster seems to have a liking of claire. I am sure she has no idea, but what if he does.
Good to bring this kind of stuff up cause it's hard to keep track of alot of S1 stuff and matching it with S6 stuff. I wouldn't put it past them. It's a cool theory. We talked some about how the kids were so important at one point and the story just totally took a right turn and never went back. The whole time travel thing combine with kids among other things, anything is possible.
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Old 03-03-2010, 05:26 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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Going with my Aaron = smoke monster theory: Apparently during the first season Claire gets a fortune teller to read her fortune. She tells claire its of the most utmost importance that she raises her son, no one else. Nothing concrete, but its something.
Anything is certainly possible, but I'm putting my bet on Aaron turning out to be nothing at all. Just one of those things they made a big deal about early on and just let it fizzle out -- just like Walt.

I think the reason the fortune teller said Claire had to raise the baby herself is because her giving it up for adoption leads to her getting on the 815 flight (she was flying to LA to visit the prospective parents) that crashes on the island. If Claire raised the baby herself, she'd never get on the plane and would've been fine.
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Old 03-04-2010, 03:46 PM
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I hate to be so glass-half-empty but these guys have no idea what the fuck is going on. I wouldn't be surprised if the writers check the message boards to see what they should write next.
Ten episodes from now all of us who post here are gonna be full of piss and vinegar...talking shit about how this is the worst series ending since the Sopranos.

Unfortunately I already had this exact picture tattooed on my chest, but this shirt is very useful in colder weather.
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