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Old 12-02-2014, 06:01 AM
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No doubt. The put the whole first half emphasis on those 2 and bam.
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Old 12-02-2014, 08:20 AM
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Seemed like Beth would be around longer after being reintroduced this season after the kidnapping. With all that was going on in the hospital it seemed less likely. It even seemed like Beth and Dawn would of had an understanding at least, specially after Beth helped Dawn at the elevator. Once Beth took the scissor you knew something was gonna happen and it wasn't gonna be good. Even when Dawn shot her as a defensive reaction, Dawn didn't seem to want to kill her, she liked her and even respected her, at least it seemed so. Dawn knew she was dead as soon as she did. She didn't want to give up her power it seemed, she proved that by killing the cop. I wonder why she went all out to keep Noah, specially when she knew Beth and Noah were close. What Dawn did with Noah, no way Beth would let that go. I wonder why Dawn wanted Noah so bad, besides being her ward, she didn't seem that attached to him. If anything she seemed to be forming a bond on some level with Beth.
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Old 12-02-2014, 08:52 AM
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What i'm wondering about is Morgan and his motives. His eyes lit up when he saw Rick's name on the map to Washington. Will the change of plans with Eugene and what happened at the hospital throw the scent off of Morgan tracking Rick. Will Morgan head to Washington now, while the group heads somewhere else cause they are obviously not going to Washington now. The way Morgan's eye lit up when he saw Rick's name made me wonder if he was even tracking Rick at all. Little to go on since they show him for 30 seconds in the start of the season then 30 seconds at the middle. He seemed to be trying to find Rick cause Morgan went to all the places Rick was, who knows. Really seemed like Morgan's story was done cause he wasn't gonna be the same after his son died. What made him change.
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Old 12-02-2014, 11:14 AM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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I'm guessing Dawn insisted on getting Noah back simply as a show of dominance. Like the other cops said about her, she needs to maintain the appearance that she's in control. Anything less would be seen as weakness and undermine her authority. It's bullshit of course, but that's how she thinks/operates. She was probably also bitter about losing Beth, whom she had grown close to, and kind of lashed out at her by taking the one thing she knew Beth cared about.

As for Morgan, I assumed he was tracking Rick all this time. The fact that he seemed surprised when he saw Rick's name on the map goes against that thinking though. I have no idea what he's up to now.

Anyone else watch Talking Dead afterwards? They had the actress that plays Beth on, and she broke down several times throughout the show. She seemed really sad that she wouldn't get to be with all her friends from the show anymore. Gotta be rough to get killed off and be told "you can't play with us anymore." Was also shocking to hear the actress who plays Maggie talk -- she has an English accent! For a Brit, she sure does a good southern accent on the show.
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Last edited by Gogan; 12-02-2014 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 12-02-2014, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Gogan View Post
I'm guessing Dawn insisted on getting Noah back simply as a show of dominance. Like the other cops said about her, she needs to maintain the appearance that she's in control. Anything less would be seen as weakness and undermine her authority. It's bullshit of course, but that's how she thinks/operates. She was probably also bitter about losing Beth, whom she had grown close to, and kind of lashed out at her by taking the one thing she knew Beth cared about.
Well said. I agree with all of it.

Originally Posted by Gogan View Post

As for Morgan, I assumed he was tracking Rick all this time. The fact that he seemed surprised when he saw Rick's name on the map goes against that thinking though. I have no idea what he's up to now.
Same boat.

Originally Posted by Gogan View Post

Anyone else watch Talking Dead afterwards? They had the actress that plays Beth on, and she broke down several times throughout the show. She seemed really sad that she wouldn't get to be with all her friends from the show anymore. Gotta be rough to get killed off and be told "you can't play with us anymore." Was also shocking to hear the actress who plays Maggie talk -- she has an English accent! For a Brit, she sure does a good southern accent on the show.
I usually don't watch it. Maybe I should, the actors talk about the characters they play and what they think about what's going on. Does give you little more closure. Sad about Beth breaking down on the show. I wanted to see her character progress some more. She really seemed liked the character would turn into a not taking no crap from anyone with evil intentions type. Thinking about it really seems like the group is sort of a righteous crusade. I mean I wouldn't go that far, but they are doing some extra cleaning up since the Governor.

I think it makes them stronger as a group. Might also make them weaker if they try to do to much. Beth is a good example of knowing when to fold.

Enjoying this season, look forward to next years return.
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Old 12-02-2014, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Gogan View Post
I'm guessing Dawn insisted on getting Noah back simply as a show of dominance. Like the other cops said about her, she needs to maintain the appearance that she's in control. Anything less would be seen as weakness and undermine her authority. It's bullshit of course, but that's how she thinks/operates. She was probably also bitter about losing Beth, whom she had grown close to, and kind of lashed out at her by taking the one thing she knew Beth cared about.

As for Morgan, I assumed he was tracking Rick all this time. The fact that he seemed surprised when he saw Rick's name on the map goes against that thinking though. I have no idea what he's up to now.

Anyone else watch Talking Dead afterwards? They had the actress that plays Beth on, and she broke down several times throughout the show. She seemed really sad that she wouldn't get to be with all her friends from the show anymore. Gotta be rough to get killed off and be told "you can't play with us anymore." Was also shocking to hear the actress who plays Maggie talk -- she has an English accent! For a Brit, she sure does a good southern accent on the show.
Actually most Brits can typically do a good southern accent. Incidentally the southern draw we know of today came from British Royalty. I saw a show about that a while back of how the southern accent came to be, and it was the British influence, especially upper class.
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Old 12-02-2014, 01:48 PM
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Interesting. And ironic.
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Old 12-02-2014, 03:55 PM
Fusa Fusa is offline
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British Royalty also influenced nakedness in the south

the super rich ones**
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Old 12-02-2014, 05:21 PM
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Thanks for verifying what I knew all along Gron!
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Old 12-02-2014, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Fusa View Post
British Royalty also influenced nakedness in the south

the super rich ones**
Some high class ass right there.
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