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Old 05-27-2015, 05:29 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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LOL, I don't at all expect anyone here to play it -- or any other MMO for that matter. I think those days are over for most people here.

On a slightly different note, I saw EQ officially launched progression servers and they've been wildly popular. If you EQ boys are feeling nostalgic, it might be worth checking out. It's the original content, but with the latest UI and graphics. Apparently the progression servers require a sub though ($15/mo).

Probably just a matter of time before WoW does the same, but I can't see myself getting interested in vanilla WoW again.
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Old 05-28-2015, 06:04 AM
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yea they have private vanilla servers only and progression servers for wow and i was like o hell no.
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Old 05-29-2015, 11:01 PM
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Gronthor Gronthor is offline
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I am so bored with games, i could use a new something. I have been bouncing around WoW, SWToR, and my damn iPhone i need something new.

Honest opinion, is it worth the money?
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Old 05-30-2015, 12:11 AM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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Are you asking if the EQ progression server is worth the sub? I dunno, I didn't play EQ much back in the day so I don't hold any nostalgia for it. The few streamers I've heard talk about it love it though. Thing is, it's not something *new*. So maybe you'll get bored with it, especially if you don't have other people to play with. EQ is not exactly solo-friendly.

If you're asking if FFXIV is worth the money... I actually think so assuming you're still into MMOs. I'm a big FF fan though, so if you're not too into that franchise you might feel differently. The game itself is pretty cheap ($20?) and you get the first month free, so if you're tempted it doesn't cost much to try. If you like FF, I think you'll like it. It's very solo friendly and offers a lot for altaholics like you. I think you'll find the community surprisingly friendly and helpful. The dungeon/raid finder is just as good as WoW's, though DPS queues can get long (30-60mins). Crafting is incredibly good -- best in any MMO I've seen. Dungeons are well done and on the shorter side (20-30 mins) for normal modes; haven't tried hard/expert modes yet. Raids are easy to get into and on the same level as WoW in terms of complexity.

Less than a month till the xpac, but you need to complete the main story questline to play the new content. It's possible, but you'd have to hustle. Of course, there's no need to rush either -- the story is worth enjoying. It's a good time to join because a lot of people are coming back and catching up for the xpac -- won't have any trouble finding groups for dungeons/trials/raids.

If you do check it out, create a character on Jenova. It's a smallish server, but it often gets locked to new characters during prime time, so you may need to wait till late at night or early in the morning to create a new char there. I'm in a really large, active, and friendly guild (free company) you can join. There are members from all over the world so there are always people online spanning all character and skill levels. It's midnight right now and there are 45 people on chatting and doing stuff. Usually about 65ish ppl on during US prime time out of the 460+ total members.

Note that I didn't like FFXIV when I first tried it. The quests are unoriginal and uninspired -- it's your usual kill and courier quests. The 1.0 story doesn't have much voiceover, so most of the quests you'll have to read (there's much more VO later on). It's not really until ~level 15 that things start to pick up and you can run your first dungeon and open airship access to the other cities. Until then it might seem slow and kinda boring. Fortunately, you can get to 15 in a single night. At 20 you'll get your mount (chocobo) and life get much easier. At 30 you can train your mount to fight for you (it'll gain xp, level up, spec it for tank/heal/dps... tons of customization here). Also, while there is PvP in the game, almost nobody queues for it. Don't expect to do any pvp in the game.

Bottom line: Is it a groundbreaking new take on MMOs? No. It's the same formula as every other MMO out there. But I think there's more depth to FFXIV, has a better community, and does some things better. If you could justify a subscription for WoW or SWTOR or Tera, then you'll have no trouble finding the same value in FFXIV. I've been subbed for the last 2 months, playing about 40hrs/week, no sign yet of slowing up, and not even close to doing everything the game offers.

Anyway, on a different note, you could also check out Witcher 3. If you like DA:I, you'll probably love W3. Don't need to play the first two to enjoy it. I think that's probably the only other big game out right now. That's what I'd be playing if it weren't for FFXIV.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru

Last edited by Gogan; 05-30-2015 at 12:52 AM.
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Old 05-30-2015, 11:59 AM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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If you're looking for an MMO, Gron, you might also check out ESO. It's completely free and very good. It has its downfalls as well (no dungeon finder killed it for me), but the questing and storyline is extremely well done.
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Old 05-30-2015, 12:27 PM
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im still enjoying GW2. mainly for pvp but i have 7 max lvl chars (alts are really easy and there is no gear grind to get good end game gear, but there is a grind for the best). expansion is coming 3rd qt this year.

there is no raids. the world bosses are mainly just big zergs, only a few take any skill. highest pve are called fractals which is random 5man bosses that take skill. fractals have a 1-50 level system where each lvl increases the difficulty.
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:06 PM
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I've been thinking of giving FFXIV another go around since I've been bored out of my mind painting 40k miniatures. With an xpac around the corner maybe I'll give it a shot. Are there any classes to stay away from, as in they're boring as shit to play?
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:49 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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I've only played a few classes: 50 Conjurer, 50 Thaumaturge, 43 Arcanist, 15 Archer (Black Mage, White Mage, Summoner, Scholar). Haven't touched the melee classes yet.

Conjurer was boring to dps with. The first 15 levels until you can start healing in dungeons are slow.

I hear the Bard is basically a 1 button job, so that could be boring.

I don't think there are any "bad" classes or jobs, though. They all have their strengths/weaknesses/utility in groups. Of course the nice thing about the game is it's really easy to switch between classes and jobs to find something you like.
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Old 06-02-2015, 02:45 PM
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Gronthor Gronthor is offline
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I am playing. I am level 10. Overall pretty much what i expected, coming from your reviews. It is not bad. The questing sucks. I will forever be ruined from questing due to SW:ToR and their story driven quests.

I read the first few quests text but now i don't care. I am on your server you mentioned so if you want to friend up let me know.

I am still pretty green except for the combat as that is universal. Still getting down the lay of the land and features.
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Old 06-02-2015, 03:43 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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Yep, the questing sucks and doesn't get any better to be quite honest. The only quests worth reading are the main story quests. You won't miss too much early on if you skip through them, but you'll start paying attention around level 30 (can't remember exactly) when things get interesting and voiceover/cinematics become more common.

I know it sounds cliche, but hitting level 50 really is just the beginning. The main story quests that happens after that is when things really start getting interesting.

Lots of stuff unlocks at certain levels (e.g. 15: air travel to other cities; 20: mounts; 30: mounts will fight for you), but it's done via the main story questline, so make sure you're always making progress on that.

What's your name on Jenova? I'll be on tonight ~6:30pm PST and will look for you.

P.S. I'm Reki Valdier in case you find me first.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru

Last edited by Gogan; 06-02-2015 at 04:07 PM.
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