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Old 06-04-2007, 07:20 AM
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Ciderhelm Ciderhelm is offline
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Posts: 675
that terror bust

I thought this was an interesting part from the article linked here about that terror ring trying to blow up the airport:

Federal authorities said the informant who helped break up an alleged plot to bomb a fuel pipeline feeding the city's busiest airport was so convincing to the suspects that they actually thanked God he was with them.

The informant made several overseas trips to discuss the plot against the airport, even visiting a radical Muslim group's compound in Trinidad, officials said. He also joined the plotters on airport surveillance trips — where authorities were waiting, they said.

The suspects were convinced he was guided by a higher purpose: The ringleader believed the informant "had been sent by Allah to be the one" to pull off the bombing, according to a federal complaint.
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