Chalk one up for the TEAM
LvL 93 Scion 91 Shadow(RIP) 92 Duelist |
Sadly, I think we all play too much to be grouped into this category. She talked about playing 10 hours over a 2 week period. We (me) are playing 70-80 hours each week. I can't imagine that's very good for us.
I did find it interesting when she said multimedia-taskers (people who, e.g., listen to music, surf the web, and chat with friends) were "abysmal" at actual multi-tasking. I wouldn't have guessed that.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |
yes she makes interesting points and also says there needs to be more study.
But I do like the part where most of those multimedia-taskers when presented with their results were dumbfounded at how bad they were.
LvL 93 Scion 91 Shadow(RIP) 92 Duelist |
good thing i dont facebook or type chat much but i do surf web constantly and listen to music :x
Yeah, I don't facebook or IM at all but I do context switch between work and web surfing pretty often, and I also listen to music 24x7. Dunno if that makes me a "multimedia-tasker". I sometimes wonder if the constant auditory stimulation has contributed to my now (seemingly) shorter attention span and trouble falling asleep at night. Surely there's been a study on that somewhere...
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |
I was born for multi tasking. Playing video games since i was little and i was an Air Traffic Controller. I think an interesting study would be the correlation between multi tasking and ADD, as i for one suffer from that greatly.
Level 100 Characters: Horde -- Alliance -- Balrin|Brondor|Gronthor|Ironshot| |
i have trouble sleeping too w/o some sort of noise, i usually sleep timer my tv for 90min and pass out and sleep soundly. |
Yep, I do the same. But without that tv playing, forget about it. And interestingly, I can't fall asleep at all with just music playing. Maybe I've conditioned myself to be awake if music is playing, and get sleepy if the tv is on.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |
i am the opposite, i have to have absolute quiet or i will never fall asleep. Same thing if i cant shut down my mind i wont fall asleep either.
Level 100 Characters: Horde -- Alliance -- Balrin|Brondor|Gronthor|Ironshot| |