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Wow is that intentional?
Level 100 Characters: Horde -- Alliance -- Balrin|Brondor|Gronthor|Ironshot| |
who knows, if it was i'm sure they hoped people wouldn't notice haha
I don't quite get the first two photos. The WoW photo is actually only a few years old, despite the reductio ad absurdum "1983" label. Are you trying to compare the UIs? The fact that both are fighting big droids?
The bottom photos are true, though. SWtoR cities feel fairly empty, but that's because they phase the world like a bunch of other games do. Unless I'm at the auction house, I don't see lots of people around. If those are your primary complaints/insults, it's not much.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |
Oh, you're comparing the layouts of IF and the swtor space station? Meh, really weak. They're both circular. It's a coincidence; can't imagine it's intentional. Haters gonna hate though.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |
i posted them because i thought they were funny...
i'm not hating on swtor at all, pretty indifferent towards it |
The trooper class is definitely fun. Are they really considered OP though? I actually haven't heard that. I'm spec'd purely for healing (and leveled up that way), which I've been enjoying. Fights with massive aoe dmg are a challenge because of my limited aoe healing. But I feel like I have enough tools in general to keep up on every fight I've done so far. I originally heard troopers/BHs were the worst of the 3 healing classes, with sages/inquisitors as the best. But I'm sure the differences are fairly minor. As for DPS, I have no idea. The trooper aoe is pretty insane, so I suppose they would dominate those kinds of fights. I can't imagine they fair too well in pvp though. I haven't done any ops yet. No intentions of raiding on any kind of schedule, but I'm sure I'll check them out at some point. I figured they'd be fairly buggy right now, so no rush. Been doing some of the hard mode instances, and even those have loot issues. We ran Taral V last night and while the end boss dropped badges appropriately, his loot was still level 33. =P
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru |
Hi guys i started playing TOR afew days back, Im on Davik's Estate playing a lvl 17 Assassin. I def like this game, it feels like wow did back when it was fun. Id def say the lvling experience in this game is great and its fun to quest. Feels like your playing a never ending game of mass effect 2 with all the good features of WoW mixed in.
I really hope end game turns out well, id def recommend this game to anyone who wants to swap over. Msg me in game if you guys want to guild up. Name is Fzx
--Physics |
Yoox: Only death awaits... |
Yoox: Only death awaits... |
yoox come play with me, game is really good
--Physics |
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